Tvoření vánočních věnců na dveře. Tentokrát se skořicí a sušenými pomeranči

22.11.2024 - redakce

I když jsou všechny vánoční věnce krásné a každý se vyznačuje něčím jiným, tato...

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26.11.2024 04:47

Creating a Christmas wreath involves wrapping a wire frame with evergreen branches, layering and securing them with floral wire. After the base is covered, glue on decorative elements like pine cones, berries, cinnamon, and dried fruit. Finish by adding a ribbon for hanging. For added charm, group dried orange slices or tie cinnamon sticks with jute twine. Enjoy the process, and after, unwind with a fun slope game

2.12.2024 21:47

To create a Christmas wreath, start by wrapping a wire frame with evergreen branches, securing them in place with floral wire. Once the base is fully covered, attach decorative items such as pine cones, berries, cinnamon, and dried fruit using glue. Complete the wreath by adding a ribbon for hanging. For extra charm, consider grouping dried orange slices or tying cinnamon sticks together with jute twine. Enjoy the crafting process, and afterward, relax with a fun eggy car.

2.12.2024 21:48

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