Zbylé bílky z pečení: Vyzkoušejte masku, která krásně vyčistí pleť

19.12.2024 - redakce Babinet.cz

Do těst většinou přidáváme pouze žloutky a než se nadějeme, hrnek s bílky je plný. Co tedy s nimi, když...

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26.12.2024 00:36

This article on making the most of leftover egg whites is a clever mix of eco-friendly and beauty hacks! My skin is already thanking me for the inspiration. Speaking of clever uses for time, have you tried the online game bad parenting

26.12.2024 00:37

It’s a hilariously chaotic simulation of family life, perfect for unwinding after experimenting with DIY face masks. Multitasking has never been so entertaining! Thank you for this beauty tip and a reminder that a little creativity goes a long way! https://badparentingame.com/

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